Wise Mind Psychology also provides independent forensic psychology expert witness services in relation to a range of clients. These include clients who may be at risk of committing (or who are alleged to have committed), a criminal offence. Clients may be victims of crime or abuse themselves. Examples of expert witness services include assessments for life/indeterminate (IPP) sentence/recall parole purposes, Family and Criminal Court, Mental Health Review Tribunals (MHRT/MHT), and Local Authority (LA) commissioned family or individual assessments.

Types of assessments include:
Violence (HCR-20v3), Sexual Violence Risk (SVR-20, SARN, RM2000), and Firesetting assessments that provide information to the courts/parole board to inform level of risk and need for therapeutic intervention. Specific expertise also includes Spousal Assault Risk Assessment (SARAv3), assessment of psychopathy (PCL-R), personality disorder (IPDE), or diagnostic assessments for Autism Spectrum Conditions, (ADOS, ADI-R), cognitive functioning (WAIS-IV, adaptive functioning). Protective, Strengths based assessments such as SAPROF also used.
Wise Mind Psychology has extensive experience in the provision of clinical supervision to a range of professionals who are providing psychological and therapeutic services. Clients have mainly been clinical and forensic psychologists, in-training forensic psychologists, and mental health nursing professionals. We are open to approach by other disciplines working in physical and mental health care. We have been commissioned to provide supervision to individual practitioners and groups of therapists, and have worked for a range of organisations including the NHS, Prison and Probation Services, and individuals in private practice.

Within Wise Mind Psychology there is particular expertise providing supervision in the following areas:
• Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT)
• Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT)
• Mindfulness
• Forensic mental health care and working as a professional witness
• We also have extensive experience in the treatment of physical and sexual violence and can provide supervision to other professionals working with these presentations.
I have extensive experience of designing and delivering training packages to a range of criminal justice and mental health professionals on the subjects of:
• Psychological Risk assessment
• Emotional Management
• Crisis Management
• Trauma informed care
• Positive Behavioural Support
• Personality Disorder
• Group Work Facilitation Skills

Other expertise includes teaching at undergraduate and doctoral level. Providing consultancy to teams in need of enhancing their performance or working through conflict and/or difficult dynamics. Compassion and value driven action underpin this work.